Saturday, November 30, 2013

Opening Winter 2014! Batches of Snatches!

Poles and Holes, Wobbly Lady Bits, Don't Hassle our Tassel,
We Like a Tasty Pasty, Where Real Men Go For Wood, Chix for Dix,
Yep! You got it! Let's read up on strip clubs kids!
Personally, I'm like whatev....
Are you asking us if you have a problem with chicks on poles?
Isn't it fair to say that any job strips us of our dignities?
At least a hoe is bringin' home the dough!
You've worked at Poles and Holes? Fucking Awesome!
Have you been to a Gentlemens Club? I heard those were pretty dip darn classy!
You gotta get your punch card filled up for one of those!
This ones for you gurrrrrlfriend!
In my parts, that call that Date Night!
This one is gonna make ya holla for a dolla yo!

Supa-Star Saturday!!! Elyce225

Yeah...I learned some pretty disturbing stuff looking this one up.....WTF is all I can say!
Valid question here, Why?


 Not too bad....But the after has totally changed my mind...


 What's with the shoelace?

Disclaimer: No umbrellas were harmed in the process of this horrible shaving experience.

First Amendment Peeps! Everyone gets it!
Now, it's 'bout to get fucked up in da club, bishes!
(Yes, I watched that video...I spent three hours rocking myself in a corner, sucking my thumb and asking for my mommy. I will not inflict such pain on the rest of you. You're welcome!)
And apparently, I'm not the only one scarred for life. So sorry gurrrrl!
Bish! Who wouldn't? What man wouldn't want a cheap glitter rhinestone stuck in his teeth?!
Anal Fissures anyone?
Somebody out there must have some experience with this....
And.....Here they are!
Have we found the elusive kitten masturbator?
Nipples anyone?
Drum roll please...............
You bishes ready? Are ya ready??
Hile Hilter!!!
(I shall now retreat back to my corner to suck my thumb.)
(No, but really, I'm 'bout to bedazzle my vag!)




Friday, November 29, 2013

I would love to not have to do laundry!

How's that old saying go again? Naked is as naked does....
The questions we all wanted to ask, but were to embarrassed to!

No need for a Swiffer, right?

Hmmmmm, good question. How DO you fry bacon?

My grammy still has plastic covers on her furniture....OMG! I wonder if she's a nudist! EWWWWW! I NEED EYE BLEACH!
Please remove your pants at the door. Thank you!


ummmmm.....awkward in a super gross kinda way.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


WHA?????????? DAFAQ????????
Turkey bacon sucks! Just sayin'! That's like saying tofu is a good substitute for cheese!
Thank goodness for the anon!
Yep! Completely Blasphemous!
Tell them to write me! Ill supply the matches!
You're speakin for realz FairyJester!! For realz!
Let's be friends imthatgirl! We're on the same page!

Future Astronauts in Training, Yo!

Hey There "Mother Of The Year!"
Please keep in mind, these kids are older than five.
For the first time ever Butters, I 100% agree with you!
9 out of 10 members agree!
And then there was the one, that I hope, regretfully agrees. Preggers or not.
I guess in retrospect we can agree, that car is gonna smell like ass by the time they reach their destination.  EWWWWWWWWW on so many nasty levels!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


conspiracy theory over lmao

Aw, she has edited her former opinion.  Possibly because her fellow admin did not agree. Maybe? Maybe?

and Lilroo doesn't agree either.
But then the groupies show up!
There you are ladies, you may continue to revel in your 5 seconds of online fame. 

The Conspiracy Theories Begin

As some of you may or may not know, LucyDiamond claims to be a doula, which is shocking considering she's also a student and nanny.  How does she find the time? *SARCASM FONT*