Monday, September 30, 2013

A wrench. A clock. An ugly ass hat.

These are all you need to be stream punk. 

Oh and some buttons. Can't forget the buttons. 

Re: Cafe Fail ask me

Who is ladyvoldemort? I've heard she was either kitschy, emerald, or juice

It's Emerald. 

CF you need a non tumblr way to contact you lol 

2 new blogger bitches!

And they're right here.
You've probably already seen one post, and the other one will be joining us shortly.
I'm leaving the posting to them for the next few days, so be gentle ladies ;)

Email submissions will be down during this, but don't worry, anything you send in will be held for posting in the near future.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Uh... just call me Captain Save-A-Ho?

You have NO IDEA, lmao

And for those that care, CheesyKitty nailed it.

Want to know when the blog updates?

Follow on Facebook or Twitter. New posts auto publish (with links) to them. You can also yell at me from there :)

There are also links to this in the sidebar.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another outbreak

Good luck
* Side note, aww RIP Cory :-(

c-c-c-combo breaker

She actually replied to some shit.

Starting to see a pattern here

241 replies, and other than the original post, she didn't reply back once. 

Because I'm shameless thats why.

So I signed up at
Why not, its not like I have 600 other things going on too.

Anyway, the first thing I got was a campaign for TruMoo milk.

 I used my free coupon that I got from Bzz Agent but I forgot my 75 cent off (I got like 10 of the 75 cent off ones and 1 free one). Oh well.
The chocolate was $3.60 and the vanilla was $2.64. My store only has half gallons and single serving bottles. The vanilla is ORANGE for Halloween promotion. If someone milked a sweet potato it would look like this.
The vanilla tastes like a sweeter version of vanilla almond milk, and the chocolate isn't as rich as say Hershey's but better than nesquick.

If I hadn't been sent the coupon for a free one, I never would have bought it. I would maybe buy the vanilla in the future but not the chocolate flavor, and for $3.60 a half gallon I will stick with regular milk and a squeeze of syrup.

* I'm a BzzAgent and I received a product sample, coupon, collateral or other special premium from BzzAgent. *

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who the hell does she think she is??!!

Throwing someone else's kid a birthday party...and taking him apple picking. What a ... oh wait..

She replied only twice to this one, once to answer a question about who had custody and to call an other member "obsessed" with her.

Mini part 2

and then she didn't reply back to the post at all, lol

Mini Saga part 1

Well thats news to me

I read on CafeFails that The Throne is shutting down. No one told ME, lmao

I know nothing has been posted lately but that's because my busy season at work has started up and I barely have time to clean my house, let alone log into CM and the blog.

However, the blog is NOT closing/stopping. I would love to get another helper here so that we can at least get a few posts a week going while I'm dealing with other things.

Also, I have not been contacted by anyone with a cease and desist, no one's attorney has emailed/called and I have had no hand slaps from Blogger or Google about anything. I've just been busy as hell.